Lubrication mechanisms of lipid layers: role of water and electrostatic interactions
Lubrication mechanisms of lipid layers: role of water and electrostatic interactions
Informations :
Type : Soutenance de thèse
Date : 2024-12-09
Heure : 14:00
Lieu : Amphithéâtre Henri Benoît
Titre : Lubrication mechanisms of lipid layers: role of water and electrostatic interactions
Conférencier : HELSTROFFER Swen
Appartenance : Institut Charles Sadron
Invité par : Charitat Thierry
Description :
Lipids, essential components of biological membranes, form layers separated by nanometric water
films that provide lubrication for almost all contacting surfaces in biology. This lubrication relies on the
complex interaction between the hydration of lipid heads and electrostatic forces. This thesis explores
these mechanisms using X-ray and neutron reflectivity techniques to analyze the interplay between
hydration and electrostatics in strong coupling regimes. Additionally, tribology experiments combined
with velocimetry link structure to friction and identify slip planes, offering a better understanding of
friction and energy dissipation mechanisms in lipid layers.